R.I.P. Danny Cruz 1992-2017
Please donate to his family on gofundme
R.I.P. Danny Cruz 1992-2017
F D O M E = F L A M I N G D R A G O N S O F M I D D L E E A R T H
E D C M = E L E C T R I C D A N N Y C R U Z M U S I C
ORDER: http://osr-tapes.com/#osr52

$12 USA // $22 Canada // $27 World ~ all prices are postage paid
ALL ROADS LEAD TO DOME!!! The new LP from Danny Cruz's Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth. These tracks were recorded between 2010-12 at FDOME's weekly practices, hellacious sleep-overs, dinner parties at CASA Cruz, by the banks of the Connecticut River, and at a Western Mass recording studio owned by a part-time wizard. Danny Cruz's vocals will inspire you to find more peaceful ways to navigate the struggles of the 21st century. Each LP comes in a recycled jacket with a paste on artwork.
get in touch with One Kind Favor for distribution
stream or download the complete album of hellfire
Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth is a Mudlightning Metal super-group. In our Band Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth is Danny Monster Cruz Lead Singer of Vocals, Guitar, Lead Vocals, Back up vocals Key Board, Back Dancer, Derrick Hart, on Guitar, Bass, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back Dancer, Andrea Glamprye on Guitar, Bass, Key Board Back Vocals, Back Dancer, Trumpet, Drums, Mary Collins on Back up Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Drums, key Board, Back Dancer, Bryan Gillig on Guitar, Key Board, Bass, Drums, Back Vocals, Back Dancer, Cory Matthews on Drums, Bass, Guitar, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Trumpet, Bojo, Coco Florian Schachlt on Bass, Guitar, Key Boards, Drums, Back up Back vocals, Back up Dancer, Bob Sekula on Bass, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back Dancer, Loren Burke on Guitar, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Nick Williams on Guitar, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Robin Whitcomb, Luke Jumes on Guitar, Bass, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back Dancer, Dylan Kingsolver On Guitar, Bass, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Mary Kate Sheridan On Bass, Aiyana Prema on Bass, Guitar, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Vanessa Brewster on Guitar, Bass, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Drums, Back up Dancer, Zack Zucker on Guitar, Bass, Drums, Key Board, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Matt Robidoux on Guitar, Bass, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Key Board, Frank Hurricaine on Guitar, Key Board, Bass, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Lucy Idnwud On Guitar, Bass, Key Board, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Pete Wackernagel on Key Board, Bass, Guitar, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Jeremy Latch on Guitar, Bass, Key Board, Annie On Bass, Guitar, Drums, Key Board, Drums, Back up Vocals, Back up Dancer, Little Jon on Guitar, Bass, Drums. Sometimes there used to be other members. Also you are a member, why don't you come to practice anymore? Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth is looking for to be playing gigs in the northeast at houses, basements, night clubs, in New York City and all over and L.A. too. EVERYWHERE, even Scotland if you pay us. Why don't you pay us to come David Keenan? You wrote so many nice things. Also everyone buy our vinyl album from Feeding Tube Records. There are still some more for you to buy, so we can be rich and famous without greed, but with money. We'll rock it in Birmingham too like our heroes in Black Sabbath. Our lyrics are about good and evil, sexual raw things, Satanic evil, evil, Satan, demons and vampires of Middle Earth, dancing in the club, money, fame, anti-greed, peace and love, God, middle earth, loving Lady Gaga, loving friends, love and heartbreak, wars with demons and gods, 2012, 666, zombies, communists, nihilists, G.G. Allin and how he's wrong, genocide, homicide, bedlam, murder, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, hedonists, SEX, gay rights. You can host an F.D.O.M.E. hell party right in your own living room. Send all pro-gay, anti-racist, anti-military booking inquires to our dungeon master - flamingdragonsofmiddleearth@gmail.comDiscography

FDOME Electric Scaryland TAPE / SAMPLE (Beniffer Editions 2011)
FDOME Sexual Gaga Singles TAPE (Mabel Flav 2011)
FDOME Smash The Teacup TAPE (Mabel Flav 2011)
FDOME / Wampum Physics Horny Gaga Dog split TAPE (Mabel Flav 2011)
Check out the Mabel Flav youtube channel
Cruzian Links
Behind The Beat article - Valley Advocate
Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth - fan page
The Seed of Contempt reviews -
remember, EDCM = Electric Danny Cruz Music !!!